WARNING: BestDiscountDentalPlans is totally awesome!

Below you'll find the most up-to-date "Top 5" list of the best dental plans available. BestDiscountDentalPlans.net has hand selected each provider below based on the credibility and the reputation of people who stand behind these dental plan companies.

For example...

Hi, my name is Ed. I have tried 100s of dental plans and dental insurance plans, in an effort to find a few that actually makes economical sense. I knew there are many alternatives to dental insurance .... I just did not know how to find it. Anyway, out of the 100 plans I tried, most flat out sucked.

They had outdated information, no customer service, and would not provide refunds to unhappy customers. I was pissed. Luckily, there were a few programs available that were legitimate.

The legitimate programs all were very inexpensive, and had great support staff willing to help you with any questions. I must say I was impressed. The list of the three legitimate plans is below...

Best Wishes,
-- Ed Reviewer,
Consumer Advocate

Last updated on Jan 22 2025

Rank Name Rating Info
Ameriplan Review

Ameriplan Review


Ameriplan receive our highest rating as the choice for discount dental plan. Ameriplan® has added a new pricing plan! Our individual dental plan is back for just $14.95 per month! This includes dental, prescription, vision, and chiropractic benefits!

The Ameriplan® Dental Plus Package includes Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic discount program. The individual dental package is $14.95 a month for an individual. The family plan is just $19.95 a month. This plan applies to anyone living in the same household.

Our new Ameriplan Basic Health® package is our discount Medical plan. This plan includes physician care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, and a Nurseline! You can expect to save up to 50% on medical costs! This plan is $29.95 month for your entire family.

Our Ameriplan Total Health® package includes all Medical (physician care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, Nurseline), Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Discounts! This plan is $39.95 a month and covers your entire household. You can expect to save up to 50% on medical costs and up to 80% with our dental plan!

Our Premium Plan is our Ameriplan Total Health Plus®. This is our complete package of services which includes our Medical (physician care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, Nurseline), Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Discounts, plus New services of Ameriplan Auto Club, Ameriplan Legal Services, and Ameriplan Identity Theft Assistance! All of this is only $59.95 for the entire family.

1 positive user reviews     0 negative user reviews.

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